mx = d3. max (gridData, d=> d. x );
my = d3. max (gridData, d=> d. y );
height = 460 ;
width = 300 ;
numCellsx = 21 ;
numCellsy = 32 ;
gridData = {
var da = [];
var c = 0 ;
for (var j = 0 ; j <= numCellsx; j++ ) {
for (var k = 0 ; k <= numCellsy; k++ ) {
c+= 1 ;
da. push ({id : c, x : j, y : k, opa : 1 });
return da;
var hover = - 10 ;
var ref_x = 0 ;
var ref_y = 0 ;
var dist = 0 ;
var stophover = false
const svg = d3. select (DOM. svg (width, height));
svg. append ("image" )
. attr ("width" , "100%" )
. attr ("height" , "100%" )
. attr ("xlink:href" , "static/logo_think.png" );
var node = svg. selectAll ("g.node" )
. data (gridData, d => d. id )
var nodeEnter = node. enter ()
. append ("svg:g" )
. attr ("class" , "node" )
nodeEnter. append ("rect" )
. attr ("id" , d => d. id )
. attr ("x" , d => scale_x (d. x ))
. attr ("y" , d => scale_y (d. y ))
. attr ("width" , width/ (mx+ 1 ))
. attr ("height" , height/ (my+ 1 ))
. attr ("fill" , "white" )
. attr ("opacity" , function (d){
if (d. x > numCellsx/ 3 && d. x < numCellsx*. 75 && d. y > numCellsy/ 10 && d. y < numCellsy/ 4.5 ) {
d. opa = 0
return 0 }
else {return 1 }
. on ("mouseover" , function (event , d) {
if (! stophover){
hover = d. id
ref_x = d. x
ref_y = d. y
d3. selectAll ("rect" )
//.delay(function(d,i){return Math.sqrt(Math.abs(d.x - ref_x)**2 + Math.abs(d.y - ref_y)**2);})
. attr ("opacity" , function (d){
if (Math . sqrt (Math . abs (d. x - ref_x)** 2 + Math . abs (d. y - ref_y)** 2 ) < 4.1 ) {
d. opa = d. opa *. 93
return d. opa *. 93 }
else {return d3. select (this ). attr ("opacity" )}
. on ("click" , function (event , d) {
stophover = true
hover = d. id
ref_x = d. x
ref_y = d. y
d3. selectAll ("rect" )
. transition ()
. delay (function (d, i){return 100 * Math . sqrt (Math . abs (d. x - ref_x)** 2 + Math . abs (d. y - ref_y)** 2 )})
. duration (1000 )
. attr ("opacity" , function (d){
d. opa = 0
return 0
return svg. node ();
scale_x = d3. scaleLinear ()
. domain ([0 , mx])
. range ([0 , width * (1 - 1 / (mx+ 1 ))])
scale_y = d3. scaleLinear ()
. domain ([0 , my])
. range ([0 , height * (1 - 1 / (my+ 1 ))])
Jake Ferguson
Jake (he/him) is a PhD Candidate in Geography and Environmental Management at the University of Waterloo. He’s interested in SAR Interferometry, SAR Polarimetry, producing open educational resources, and fussing over his website’s D3 renders.
To see an image of me, click here
University of Waterloo | Waterloo, CA
MSc. Physics, Computational Multiphysics Group | August 2019
University of Waterloo | Waterloo, CA
BSc. Physics | April 2017