Earth From Orbit: Space Based Monitoring of a Planet in Flux

Jake E. Ferguson

UW Dept. Geography + Environmental Management

UW Water Institute


Lhù’ààn Mân’

or: a somewhat distressing case study

  • Largest lake in the Yukon: 400 km2
  • Hydrologically, ecologically, economically, and culturally vital
  • In 2016, water level dropped 2m

Lhù’ààn Mân’

or: a somewhat distressing case study

  • Largest lake in the Yukon: 400 km2
  • Hydrologically, ecologically, economically, and culturally vital
  • In 2016, water level dropped 2m

How many lakes are in Canada?


How many lakes are in Canada?

62% of world total count


How many lakes are in Canada?

Most of ’em

62% of world total count


How many lakes are in Canada?

A common problem on planet Earth

  • Millions of km2 to observe (Monthly! Weekly! Daily if you don’t mind!)
    • Vegetation [species, biomass, plant moisture levels]
    • Soil [moisture]
    • Water bodies [ice presense, ice type]
    • All current snow cover [density, water equivalent]
  • How do we monitor our planet?

A common problem on planet Earth

  • Millions of km2 to observe (weekly! daily!)
    • Vegetation [species, biomass, plant moisture levels]
    • Soil [moisture]
    • Water bodies [ice presense, ice type]
    • All current snow cover [density, water equivalent]
  • How do we monitor our planet?
  • Satellites

Revisiting Kluane

  • Let’s image the surface using a glorified camera advanced optical sensor!

Revisiting Kluane

  • Let’s image the surface using a glorified camera advanced optical sensor!

  • Pro: Works basically exactly how you think it does

Revisiting Kluane

  • Let’s image the surface using a glorified camera advanced optical sensor!

  • Pro: Works basically exactly how you think it does

  • Con: So do clouds

  • Con: Cameras are only skin deep

Inspiration from Venus

  • 90s: Magellan probe is tasked with imaging Venus

  • Problem: Venus is completely covered in sulfiric acid clouds

  • Solution: Radio waves [RADAR]

Irradiating Venus (just a little, as a treat)

Irradiating Venus (just a little, as a treat)

Tracking the original AMZN

Tracking the original AMZN

Tracking the original AMZN

Tracking the original AMZN

Po River, 2019

Return to Kluane

  • We can cut right through the clouds using Canada’s own RADARSAT Constellation Mission!

Where does that leave us?

Acknowledgement and final note

This work uses satellite imagery of land held and stewarded by the Kluane First Nation, and imagery of fieldwork conducted on Kluane lake which would simply not have been either safe or possible without the magnanimous help and consultation of the community there.
